
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

251 - Drive In Lunch

From 365 Project
I've posted two pictures taken at Doumar's Diner & Curb Service on the blog so far this year. I eat lunch there about once a week; so often that they know me and just bring my regular order when they see me pull in. So today's picture is my regular order, barbecue sandwich with slaw (of course) and an order of fries delivered to the car. Canon G10, 1/250 sec @ F/3.5, ISO 100.


Les said...

What, no limeade?

CIOPhoto said...

No limeade this time, I'm an iced tea drinker.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Great shot!!!

Anonymous said...

mmmm... Love Dumar's

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous. I would kill for their BBQ. Wish there were two of those drive-ins. Stacy