
Friday, June 12, 2009

163 - Bubble, Bubble

From 365 Project
My grandson Robert and his Uncle Mike having a good time with bubbles in the front yard today. Canon G10, 1/160 sec @ f/4.0, ISO 200, 13mm equivalent focal length in macro mode.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

162 - Pinpoint

From 365 Project
Work continues on the new gas line behind my office. This week they have been welding together more sections of the two foot diameter pipe. Last week they hit a water main a few blocks from here and flooded out the railroad underpass. This pipe is now a couple of hundred feet long and when you look through it, the other end is just a pinpoint of light. In fact its a green porta potty. Canon G10, 1/250 sec @ f3/5, ISO 200.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

161 - The Commodore

From 365 Project
I went to the Commodore Theater in Portsmouth Virginia tonight to see the movie Star Trek. Great movie! The Commodore is a classic 1940's Art Deco theater that has been restored and shows current first run movies. This photo was taken from our table looking towards the curtain clad screen. What a way to see a movie, big screen, THX sound and lots of elbow room. Canon G10, 1/3 sec @ f/3.5, ISO 200, 11mm equivalent focal length. Camera sitting on a rail triggered with the self-timer.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

160 - 73774

From 365 Project
No I didn't have too much caffeine and yes the blurred effect is intentional. You too can have fun with blurred action shots. If your "point and shoot" camera has the "fireworks" mode, use that in a dark room with an intense light source and some creative movement. Neon works really good. This is the front of a vending machine at work. Canon G10, 1/2 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 80, 30mm equivalent focal length.

Monday, June 8, 2009

159 - Insulator

From 365 Project
This antique glass insulator was featured in a photo I posted back in March. This is one of my favorite finds and I have had it for over 30 years. I found it on the beach near the Virginia-North Caroline border. If you look carefully you will notice near the top evidence from sand pitting in the glass. Also look for the glass screw threads in the center where it once screwed down on a wooden peg on the old telephone pole. The image was lit from below with a Litepanel Micro. Canon G10, 1/320 sec @ f/3.5, ISO 400, 22mm in macro mode.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

158 - Japanese Maple

From 365 Project
This delicate Japanese Red Maple was backlit by the late day sun. Japanese maple trees are prized for their lacy, or “dissected” leaf type. Canon G10, 1/320 sec @ F2/8, ISO 400, 11mm equivalent focal length in macro mode.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

157 - Melt in Your Mouth

From 365 Project
Not in Your Hands! Colorful M&M's seemed like thing to do on a rainy and overcast Saturday. Did you know they come in many unusual colors? Check out this photo from my trip to M&M Store in Times Square last year. Canon 40D, 1/5 sec @ f/9.0, ISO 200, 50mm compact macro lens.