
Sunday, August 16, 2009

228 - Casa del Gato

From 365 Project
Casa del Gato is home to the Lambert's Point feral cat colony. One cat seems to be checking the mailbox. The cat house is located on Orapax Street adjacent to the Lambert's Point docks and cargo terminal in Norfolk Virginia. Directly across the street is Tortilla West who's staff feed and keep an eye on the colony. The cats were spayed in 2008 in an effort to help control the colony's growth. Canon G10, 1/60 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 200, 54mm equivalent focal length.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

227 - Buckeye Butterfly

From 365 Project
Caught this Buckeye Butterfly in the butterfly garden at Virginia Tech's Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center, a.k.a. HRAREC, in Virginia Beach. The Center has some amazing gardens, thanks to Duane and Les for suggesting this as a place for photos. Canon 40D, 1/1600 sec @ f/5.0, ISO 800, 200mm focal length.

Friday, August 14, 2009

226 - Flame Out

From 365 Project
I was trying to get a macro photograph of a match at the instant of ignition. I got a few nice shots, but it is really hard to get the exposure just right because the match burns so intensely during that first brief moment and each match lights a little bit differently. After looking at the photos, I actually liked this shot best, just after the flame was blown out. What do you think? Canon Rebel XTi, 1/160 sec @ f/5.6. ISO 200, 50mm macro lens.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

225 - More Zero's than Bill

From 365 Project
Wow, that's a lot of zero's, more than even Bill or Warren have . . . together! Canon G10, 1/8 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 200.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

224 - Black Eyed Susan

From 365 Project
A large bunch of Black Eyed Susan's have been beckoning me to take their picture. I pass these every morning on my drive to work. Today's the day with the image captured using my latest favorite photographic gadget, the Lensbaby. Canon 40D, 1/640 sec @ f/4.0, ISO 200.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

223 - Buddleja davidii

From 365 Project
The Buddleja davidii is a variety of the plant commonly called a butterfly bush. This one has been moved around my yard over the years and now occupies a backyard corner. As it's common name implies, it does indeed attract the butterflies. In many areas this plant has become quite invasive and is even considered as a weed. The blooms are tightly bunched and very small but reveal their individual beauty under the macro lens. Canon 40D, 1/60 sec @ f/20, ISO 400. 50mm macro, with lighting provided by the Lightpanel Micro.

Monday, August 10, 2009

222 - Uncanny Resemblance

From 365 Project
I just received my latest issue of PEZ Collectors News in which an article pointed out the uncanny resemblance between PEZ Boy and Rod Blagojevich, the disgraced former governor of Illinois. You know what that means, a picture of the day highlighting the still much admired PEZ Boy, a star in his own right. Canon Rebel XTi, 1/200 sec @ ~f/4.0, ISO 200 using the Lensbaby Composer with +4 macro lens and the star shaped creative aperture.