
Friday, August 28, 2009

240 - Two for one day

From 365 Project
Two photos today. The first is my photograph of the fresh vegetables on display at the Highland Park, New Jersey Farmers Market. There was lots of great stuff and we loaded up. Canon G10, 1/320 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 400.

From 365 Project
This second photo Cindy took as we were driving up US13 in Delaware this morning. This little dog was riding on his Honda Gold Wing motorcycle with his goggles on. You just don't see this everyday.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

239 - Down the Drain

From 365 Project
This is a storm drain grate in a Salisbury Maryland parking lot. The parking lot lights cast nice hard shadows creating a scene that caught our eye as we walked by. Canon PowerShot SD870 IS, 1.0 sec @ f/5.6, ISO 200, handheld with a deep breath and good image stabilization.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

238 - Mountain Mint

From 365 Project
This small patch of Mountain Mint was attracting a lot of activity. There were at least 20 bees, wasps and moths working on the newly opening blooms. You could smell the mint in the air. Got to get some of these for my garden. Canon 40D, 1/250sec @ f/5.0, ISO 800, 200mm focal length (I wasn't getting too close to all of those stingers).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

237 - Orb-weaver Spider

From 365 Project
I think this is a Garden Orb-weaver Spider. The main body is more than an inch long. She has been building this spectacular web each evening in my backyard and then takes it all down and retreats to a safe spot under a garden lantern until the next night. @Pleyades - I think this looks closer to your spider from last week rather than the wolf spider. Canon G10, 1/60sec @ f/4.5, ISO 400.

Monday, August 24, 2009

236 - Cooper Jack

From 365 Project
Parked next to this Mini Cooper with the these Union Jack covers on the side and rear view mirrors. I think Coopers now have the most after market accessories of any car. It seems that everyone who has one has tricked it up. In the old days the original VW Beetle was king of the accessories, I should know. Wish I still had that 1970 Bug. Canon G10, 1/800 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 100, 150mm equivalent focal length.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

235 - Butterfly to Be?

From 365 Project
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. ~Richard Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller Shooting macro photos has opened my eyes to so much. I was getting ready to pull this stringy vine that had grown up through my camellia bush, when I noticed it had these delicate blossoms. As I was photographing those I saw this little caterpillar on on the leaves. He turns out to be the photo of the day. Canon Rebel XTi (400D), 1/250 sec @ f/11.0, ISO 800, 2X macro, manual off-camera flash at 1/64 power.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

234 - Make him stop - please!

From 365 Project
Max the cat looks back towards Susan. his rescuer, to save him again. This time from the photo a day blogger who keeps trying to take his picture without a model release. Susan rescued Max earlier this year and now the big Red Mackerel Tabby enjoys a charmed life, except when CIOPhoto is around. Canon G10, 1/8 sec @ f/2.8, ISO 400.