
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Kitty Nap

From 2010 Blog
It was a snowy afternoon, good for curling up and taking a nap. Sasha took advantage of Cindy's lap while she was reading to do just that. Make's you sleepy just looking at her, doesn't it? Canon 7D, 1/15 sec @ f/2.0, ISO 800, 50mm prime lens.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Emerald Eye

From 2010 Blog
This eye shaped opening is at the Gershwin Theatre in NYC home of the Broadway musical Wicked. During our visit to the city last fall we took a Saturday morning tour as part of the Behind The Emerald Curtain program after seeing the play the night before. Canon PowerShot SD870 IS, 1/20 sec @ f/4.0, ISO 200.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


From 2010 Blog
Stoplight peppers from our local Food Lion produce department. Canon G10, 1/125 sec @ f/2.8, ISO 400.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


From 2010 Blog
Ripples radiate out from the corner of this man made pond at the entrance of the Nauticus National Maritime Center in Norfolk Virginia. Canon 7D, 1/125 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 100.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


From Snow Day
Today's blog post is my 400th since starting on January 1, 2009. I can't believe how this has become part of my daily routine. Thanks to all of my faithful followers and commentators for helping me achieve another milestone. This photo comes from the recent snow fall. A lone gumball sits in the snow at the edge of the street. Hundreds more hang 20 feet overhead. The gumball tree is native to the American south and is officially called the American Sweetgum. Canon 40D, 1/400 sec @ f/4.0, ISO 100.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Split Rail

From Snow Day
This split rail fence casts a clear shadow in yesterday's white snow. Every time I see a split rail fence I think about Abraham Lincoln the world's most famous "rail-splitter". Canon 40D, 1/1600 sec @ f/4.0, ISO 100, 70mm focal length, converted to black and white.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Virginia Beach Snowman

From Snow Day
My neighbor Bob made this snowman first thing this morning. I thought it represented Virginia Beach's style quite well. I took a walk around the block this afternoon with the cameras. Some of my snow pics are linked to this Picasa web album. Check 'em out. Canon 40D, 1/800 sec @ f/4.0, ISO 100.