
Monday, March 29, 2010

Maple Leaf

From 2010 Blog
- The Japanese maples are starting to leaf out. This dwarf maple has a really nice red outline on the bright green leafs. So glad that spring is finally here. Canon 7D, 1/50 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 800, 50mm prime lens with extension tube and Litepanel micro LED lighting.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


From 2010 Blog
- A well worn keyhole on the deadbolt lock to my garden shed. A keyhole is where a key is inserted to open a lock. It is more properly known as a keyway. Canon 40D, 1/1000 sec @ f/3.5, ISO 800, 50mm macro with life size converter.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bond, James Bond

From 2010 Blog
- Aston Martin the car of choice for Agent 007 - Bond, James Bond. While walking one day I spotted an Aston Martin parked along the street. Couldn't resist taking a picture of the car that I will always associate with England's most famous fictional secret agent. Canon 40D, 1/160 sec @ f/6.3, ISO 200.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Asia Royalty

From 2010 Blog
- The chrysanthemum was cultivated in China as far back as the 15 century BC. In Europe it is often associated with death and funerals but in Asia it is a symbol of royalty. The Chrysanthemum Throne is the name given to the position of Japanese emperor and it is depicted on the Imperial Seal of Japan. Canon 40D, 1/60 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 400, 50mm macro.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Little Hand

From 2010 Blog
- This little hand belongs to my 3 year old grandson Robert. As you can tell they are busy little hands. He was playing with a small patch of sunlight that was landing on the dinner table. In the evening the sun sets fast and the patch of light was there one minute and gone the next. In a few years when I look back at this picture it will seem that he grew up just as fast. Canon Powershot SD1100 IS, 1/250 sec @ f/2.8, ISO 400, 40mm equivalent focal length in digital macro mode.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Go Fly a Kite

From 2010 Blog
- Took the day off from work to spend some time with my grandson Robert. We headed out to Virginia Beach's Mt. Trashmore Park to fly our kite. There was a good breeze and not a cloud in the sky so the 9 foot wing span delta kite flew way high. Robert really likes letting the line out, bringing it back in - not so much. While spending what seemed like forever to reel it back in, I took a few pictures of the brightly colored kite backlit by the morning sun. Canon 7D, 1/125 sec @ f/25.0, ISO 200.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Planetary Sharpener

From 2010 Blog
- While I make my living managing high tech and I'm a certified gadget loving geek, there are a few old fashion things I just love. Fountain pens, mechanical watches and the good ole graphite pencil are some of my favorites. If you use pencils - then you must have a sharpener. Like those found in school classrooms, these are the cylindrical cutters of my sharpener. They are also called "planetary sharpeners", in reference to their use of planetary gears. Canon 40D, 1/40 sec @ f/4.5, ISO 800, 50mm macro.