
Saturday, June 26, 2010


From 2010 Blog
- The dandelion is often treated as a scourge of the finely manicured lawn that has become a symbol of suburban America. The plant has been used beneficially for thousands of years and was introduced to the Americas by early colonists. But today it mostly gets treated to a dose of herbicides. The flower matures into this spherical clock containing many single-seeded fruits each attached to a pappus of fine hairs, which enable its wind-aided dispersal. Canon 7D, 1/800 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 400, 100mm macro.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lift Off

From 2010 Blog
- At first I was disappointed that this bee took off just as I released the shutter. He was covered in pollen and I was hoping to catch that in the photo. But when I got back and downloaded the picture I found I really liked the motion blur on the bee in contract to the sharp focus of the flower. Canon 7D, 1/80 sec @ f/18.0, ISO 400, 100mm macro.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


From 2010 Blog
- Colorful plastic paper clips await their destiny. Each hopes to someday hold together a few sheets of an important report or correspondence. They could be waiting a long time. I bought this box of clips over ten years ago and still have plenty left. The most used paper clip today is the one on your computer email - the universal symbol that an attachment is included. I'm still a fan of these real clips, not that obnoxious animated one that appears as the Microsoft Office Assistant. Canon G11, 1/200 @ f/2.8, ISO 400, in macro mode with lighting from a basic flashlight.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

WisKy Shiloutte

From 2010 Blog
- The battleship USS Wisconsin is silhouetted by the setting sun. The Wisconsin is known by its nickname "WisKy" because the damaged bow was once replaced with the bow of the unfinished USS Kentucky. It berthed in Norfolk Virginia adjacent to the Nauticus, National Maritime Center. It is open to the public. Canon 40D, 1/800 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 200, zoom at 17mm wide angle.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yet Another Dragonfly

From 2010 Blog
- For some reason the dragonflies keep making themselves available for photo ops. I'm beginning to think they may have an agent calling on me soon. Please enjoy yet another dragonfly photo. Canon 1/250 sec @ f/5.0, ISO 400, 100 mm macro.

Monday, June 21, 2010


From 2010 Blog
- You say Formosa, I say Mimosa. When I was growing up people called this a Formosa tree. The name was incorrect, it is actually a Mimosa tree. Once very common in southern gardens, today it is pretty much disdained as an invasive species or weed tree. This is a wild one located along a ditch bank near my house. The tree is still quite beautiful and this bloom was backlit by a small dapple of afternoon sunlight. Canon, 7D, 1/160 sec @ f/13.0, ISO 400, 100 mm macro.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Eyes Have It

From 2010 Blog
- This little dragonfly was patiently sitting on the tip of a day lily bud while I took his picture. It shows the compound or multifaceted eyes very well. Canon 7D, 1/60 sec @ f/13.0, ISO 400, 100 mm macro lens using image stabilization.